Hygiene Cemetery Newsletter
P.0.Box 195
Hygiene, CO 80533-0195
Dear Members of the Hygiene Cemetery Association,
The Hygiene Cemetery Association needs your help to continue with
upkeep and care of the cemetery. Please be reminded that you are a
of the Association because you have one or more family members buried
within the cemetery or own lots. Simply stated, we need your help!
Any and
all contributions would be appreciated.
In 2009, the Cemetery Association was given Deed to the Church of
the Brethren (commonly known as the Old Dunkard Church). The association
is currently attempting to restore the Church. In the fall of 2008,
Association was awarded a $43,000 matching grant from the Colorado
Historic Fund. Notice again, it was a matching grant, which means that
Association has to contribute 943.000 to the oroiect. Recentlv a new
roof was
added to the church and much needed work on h e soffit ani fascia also
took place. We areno where near completion of the project. Foundation
work, replacement of the floor and restoration of the windows still
need to be
completed. Again, we need you to help!
Care and upkeep of the cemetery is also paramount. Many old stones
within the cemetery need repaired or replaced. We also are working
identifying unknown graves, empty spaces and eventually would like
to use
scientific equipment to help us with that goal.
I hope you will consider a donation to the Hygiene Cemetery
Association. Every little bit helps! For your tax records, the Hygiene
Cemetery Association is tax exempt under Revenue Code Section 501C(13)
and your contribution is tax deductible as provided by law.
Please advise of any name or address corrections.
Thank you for your help.
Ken Cinnamon
President, Hygiene Cemetery Association